The Exercise and Entrance Into the Spirit—Ch.18

The Exercise and Entrance Into the Spirit Heb. 10:22—Let us come forward to the Holy of Holies with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water I.    Review of the Human Soul and Spirit Man’s three parts, body, soul, and spirit, parallel the three parts of the temple: outer court, Holy Place, and Holy...
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The Fellowship of Life and the Sense of Life—Ch.17

I. THE FELLOWSHIP OF LIFE – 1 John 1:1-7  A. Christ as our life is flowing within us all the time…and this flowing of life is the fellowship of life. B. The continual flowing of the riches of Christ meets our need of nourishment on the positive side and of cleansing on the negative side. C. The fellowship of life is the flowing current of the eternal life, which is Christ, who as the Son of God,...
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The Riches of Resurrection—Ch. 16

Hebrews 8:10-11; 1 John 2:27 The Cross and Resurrection The cross ends the old creation. The resurrection produces the riches of the new creation: The Triune God (Eph. 4:4-6) The divine, eternal life (John 14:6) The divine nature (2 Peter 1:4) The law of life (Romans 8:2; Heb. 8:10) The anointing (1 John 2:27) All the riches of resurrection are God Himself. The Law and the Prophets (Matt 7:12;...
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The Principle of Resurrection—Ch. 15

I. A review A. There are 12 negative items of the old creation: the fallen angelic life, the human race, Satan, his kingdom, sin, sins, the world, death, the flesh, the old man, self, and the entire old creation. B. The whole creation was affected and needed to be reconciled by Christ’s redemption (Col. 1:20). I. The all-inclusive death in the eternal Spirit A. All negative things in the...
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The Principle of the Cross—Ch. 14

I. The new creation came into being by putting the old one to an end and starting something new. II. Items of the Old Creation | Verses revealing their End The angelic life—Col 1:20 The human life—Gal 2:20 Satan—Heb 2:14; John 12:31 The kingdom of Satan—Col 2:15; John 12:31 Sin—2 Cor5:21; Rom 8:3 Sins—1 Pet.2:24; Isa 53:6 The world—Gal 6:14; John 12:31 Death—Heb.2:14 Flesh—Gal 5:24 The old...
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The Cross and the Soul Life—Ch.13

I. The Triune God spreading within man        A.  God’s first step in His economy is to take His residence in our spirit as a base to be His abode through dispensing, regenerating our spirit. B.  His second step is to spread Himself into our soul to renew all the parts of our soul to transform our soul. This process requires our full cooperation with Him. C.  As the third and final step of His...
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